Parents As Teachers

Parents as Teachers (PAT) Consortium

Louisburg ~ Paola ~ Osawatomie ~ Garnett ~ Central Heights ~ Prairie View ~ Jayhawk

This early learning program is for parents of young children prenatal to five years old.

Parents as Teachers is a free, voluntary, research-based program designed to provide practical timely information to ALL families including single parents, first-time parents and expectant parents. It is offered through the USD 368 school district cooperative.

Vision: All children will learn, grow and develop to realize their full potential 

Paola, KS 66071

(913) 294-5599

As a PAT participant you will receive the following services:

If you are interested in signing up for the Parents As Teachers Program:

Here is the application form (download the form rather than view it in your browser). It can be mailed, or emailed to:

Callie Hoffman, Director 

22795 255th St.